Welcome to Neo4j.rb

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Neo4j.rb is an Active Model compliant Ruby/JRuby wrapper for the Neo4j graph database. It uses the neo4j-core and active_attr gems.

For a general overview see our website: http://neo4jrb.io/

Winner of a 2014 Graphie for "Best Community Contribution" at Neo4j's Graph Connect conference! 2014 Graphie

Neo4j.rb v4.1.0 was released in January of 2015. Its changes are outlined here and in the announcement message. It will take a little time before all documentation is updated to reflect the new release but unless otherwise noted, all 3.X documentation is totally valid for v4.

Modern (3.x/4.X) Documentation

Legacy (2.x) Documentation




Pull request with high test coverage and good code climate values will be accepted faster.


Notice: There are different licenses for the neo4j-community, neo4j-advanced, and neo4j-enterprise jar gems. Only the neo4j-community gem is required by default.